Same friendly team, same 5-star service – The Vet Bristol become The Pet Vet!

Same friendly team, same 5-star service – The Vet Bristol become The Pet Vet!

The Vet Bristol will soon be enjoying a new look as they officially adopt The Pet Vet branding!

Our Bristol surgery is proud to remain part of our family-owned, independent veterinary group. The Vet Bristol joined The Pet Vet ownership in July 2022, along with 7 other The Vet surgeries across the North West, London and South West. The Pet Vet Nottingham (formerly The Vet Nottingham) have recently received the first re-brand in the group with great success, and we have every confidence that our Bristol surgery will follow suit!

Dr Mel Fuller – CEO says: “We’re thrilled to continue serving our Bristol community through delivering the same exceptional veterinary care & 5-star customer service our customers have come to recognise us for. You’ll still see the same friendly faces when you come into the surgery and continue to benefit from our competitive pricing, which is regularly reviewed to ensure we’re offering excellent value for money.

“As well as investing cosmetically in The Pet Vet Bristol to visually welcome them into The Pet Vet family, we continue to prioritise investment in our teams and facilities to ensure we’re delivering nothing but the very best care to the pets of Bristol.”

Central to The Pet Vet’s ethos is Owner and Chairman Dr Rob Jones MRCVS’s resolute desire for The Pet Vet to remain in his family for generations to come. This is bucking the trend of independent veterinary practices being acquired by larger corporates, as highlighted in the recent Competition & Markets Authority review. The Pet Vet will uncompromisingly remain a family-owned business. Always.
